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Danrocket Rocketeers

Price2000 DRKET
Max per user20
Every holder of a Danrocket NFT in this collection is a Rocketeer and contributes to the deflation of DRKET. As a Rocketeer you gain access to acquire a DanrockyOnFlare subscription and join the DanrockyOnFlare Legends group. There are 3 rarities in this collection. Common: Common represents 97.5% of the collection. With this NFT holders can acquire a montly subscription for the DanrockyOnFlare Legends group for 10 USD per month paid in either stablecoins or DRKET. Rare: Rare represents 2% of the collection. With this NFT new holders will get 1 month subscription for the DanrockyOnFlare Legends group free of charge and can opt to extend the subscription after one free month for the monthly charge. Ultra rate: Ultra rate represents 0.5% of the collection. Holders of this NFT has unlimited access to the DanrockyOnFlare Legends group free of charge as long as Danrocky is covering Flare Network on social media. All charges paid in DRKET incl. montly subscriptions, the 5% royalties and minting fees will be burned, effectively making the DANROCKET coin DRKET deflationary. Duration of benefits are subject to changes to the concept and production of content by Danrocky on social media.